
Curried Missionary Part 2

I thought I'd put up the next part of my booklet for you so here it is.


If we are unable to go to 'the field' (specifically focussing on the overseas field) then we can do many things to support and encourage missionaries. There are those of us who support them by sending money or praying regularly but there is much more we can do to ensure that they are encouraged from all sides. From my observations there are three major reasons why missionaries leave the field even after long-term ministry overseas. These include, medical reasons (such as malaria, allergies or childbirth), educational reasons (especially during or at the end of high school) and discourage-ment. In the areas of education and medical we are able to help through prayer and financial support, discouragement is another matter alto-gether."
(pic: us at the airport leaving Niamey in 2001)


Blogger Kitty Cheng said...

so true....missionaries need lots of encouragement.

11:29 am  

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