
Curried Missionary - Part 16 - Final Part

This is the final installment of the booklet I called 'Curried Missionary, how to spice up your missionaries' life'. In this final part of the booklet I look at Culture Shock and how to help your missionary adjust in this area.

Pic: My favourite photo of my Mum, this seems appropriate for the subject of this installment.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15

"Although this is another subject altogether and is normally directed to your missionary, there are things you can do to lessen the trauma they will encounter upon re-entry.

  • Well before they come home, ask what some of their home needs might be.Tell them the things you may be able to organize and help them on their “Re-entry”. Check to be sure they are comfortable with these things.
  • You may be need to suggest a church to worship at.
  • While they are still overseas keep them abreast of changes in fashions, city expansions, changes in laws and any new lingo used.
  • PLAN to ease their assimilation back into the “home scene”.

Ø Prepare meals for when the first arrive.

Ø Go shopping with them to ease their shock of the enormous number of items available (as they perceive it). This applies more to the long termers but be aware that even short termers can be overwhelmed at the difference in cultural norms.

Ø They would really appreciate you taking them to a restaurant and it is there you can spend time listening to them and try to pick up on their heart needs.

Ø You may try and arrange accommodation for them. In this case ask around your church/churches for what may available.

  • Spend time with them to make them feel wanted. They may be happy for you to just drop in from time to time to see how they are going. (Old friends change etc.)
  • There may also be a need for someone who can debrief/council them on issues they may struggle with. For this try to contact their mission society for help or your pastor.

These are some of the more important things that need to be considered but they are by no means are all that could be done.

NB Understand that culture shock IS very real and has the capacity to set your missionary back a long way. If no help and encouragement is given it often leads to more permanent problems."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, what a GREAT shot of your mom. That is priceless!
Your booklet sounds amazing and I'm sure it will help many.
Great job!

11:55 pm  
Blogger Amanda Hunt said...

Thanks Andrea, this is a real shot too, those guys aren't on a resort but Mum lives in an area in Papau New Guinea that have guys like this, she's just really really cheeky and always takes every opportunity for a photo with the local guys (I do think they were dressed up for a special occasion though).

12:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amanda - Wow, I love that picture of your mum!! Is the Curried Missionary series going to be published in book form? If so, I have two suggestions: one, include pictures!!! They're fabulous! Two: I get a copy!! :P


10:52 pm  
Blogger Corazon Latino said...

Love the pici!!!! Thanks again for great info. We will be facing re-entry issues this year and it will be interesting to see how others "handle" us and our differences and our lack of understanding in what it means to be a kiwi. I may even be able to give you some more clues for your book.

12:05 am  
Blogger Amanda Hunt said...

so glad curried missionary has been interesting. I would like to see if I can publish this in print but as we would have to pay for it ourselves I don't think any photos would be included! Fun if they were though.

11:37 pm  

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