Go! Reachout and Seize The Day
There are two camps that I am currently involved in. The first is called Go! Reachout and is being run by Missions Interlink WA. It's what I call a 'Challenge you to missions' type of camp and its from September 16 - 18. Info on that can be found here.
The second camp is one that I have been soley responsible to organise. The timing is interesting as it's from October 21-23 and our bubs is due on Oct 1st! It's been in the pipelines for over a year and a half now. This camp is more of a 'step two' missions camp. The title of it is the SIM 'Seize The Day' missions info camp and is for those who have a lot of questions regarding what's involved in being a missionary overseas. If any Perthite's who read this are interested in my SIM camp, please contact me and I'm happy to answer any questions.