Relaxing in Dunsborough
At the moment we're in Dunsborough, a place we come to a few times each year. It's sort of a working holiday as we've got quite a few SIM meetings while we're down here but there's plenty of relaxation times inbetween. Tomorrow Michael's preaching at the Dunsborough Church of Christ and then again next Sunday. We always stay with some great people from that church (Hi Win and George!) and they always look after us! (thanks!). We love staying on their farm and this time Kez is starting to notice things a lot more. She turns 9 months next week and she's doing all sorts of fun things now and we think we're hearing a 'dadadada' too! Today she got excited about the chooks (chickens for all non-Aussies) and tomorrow we'll have a closer look at the sheep. It's so different being here with her and a lot more fun!
Here's some lovely shots so far.

Here's some lovely shots so far.