
Romans 12 Is Her Favourite

If you go to this page : http://www.usp.com.au/fpss/news-indonesia/news-indo-schapelle109.html (for some reason my link button isn't showing on my 'create post' tab) there is a very interesting article about Schapelle Corby's favourite chapter in the Bible.

Here's an excerpt (by Paul Toohey): "Paul, in his epistles to the Romans, set down some of the Bible’s most powerful and lasting exhortations. Schapelle Corby’s favourite is Chapter XII, Verse 2. She recites: "Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." What does it mean? "It means you can be born again," says Corby. "That’s how I read it." Romans XII is a short chapter made up of 21 sentence-long verses. It is not surprising that Corby has honed in on this part of the Bible during her ordeal, which last week passed the 12-month marker. It is the home of the familiar "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord" line. It is also a call for brotherly love, and argues that judgment is not a right of humans. Those who would judge bring ruin and condemnation upon themselves."

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