Illustration Friday - Sacrifice
The IF theme this week is 'sacrifice'. What a shame because the entry I did a few weeks back for angels and devils would have been perfect!! Anyway, instead I'm putting this one in:

This is done using the photocopy transfer method, acrylic on wood and a fine brush, oh and I sepia-ed it on my comptuer for effect (is that allowed?).
This is my great-grandfather Jack (sitting centre) and his mates. You guessed it, they are all in their uniforms (Australian Army) and this was taken during the last world war. War and the word sacrifice go hand in hand so I thought this was appropriate.
This is my great-grandfather Jack (sitting centre) and his mates. You guessed it, they are all in their uniforms (Australian Army) and this was taken during the last world war. War and the word sacrifice go hand in hand so I thought this was appropriate.