It Only Takes A Moment

What only takes a moment (as per the title of this post)? Well, in chatting with my brother it seems that since they arrived they haven't really recieved any mail. We send them stuff but he means from friends and supporters. Not one letter, card and hardly an email. He sounded disappointed of course but unfortunately this is the reality when you're living on the overseas mission field. That's why I wrote my booklet Curried Missionary, to encourage people to encourage missionaries. This was from our own experiences overseas of checking our mailbox once a week and it often being empty, such a let down when you're so isolated from the world. If you know a missionary let me encourage you to drop them a little note, card, email or parcel as often as you can. It doesn't cost that much and the benefits are so great!
In other news..... my felt book arrived on time for the little guy's birthday and here's a photo of him with it. He apparently likes to lick the cricket/sports page the best!