Radio Hope - Project Highlight

I thought I would highlight a special project that SIM is doing in Loja, Ecuador, just in case anyone might like to give the Ecuadorians a special Christmas prezzie. You are able to donate to this project online.
Here's he blurb of which you can read the full version here:
"Radio Hope is a joint ministry of SIM, HCJB, WMPL (World Mission Prayer League), CBI (Conservative Baptists) and IMB (Southern Baptists), seeking to bring the message of salvation to one of the largest least reached areas of Ecuador in South America, through radio....Beginning June 2004, theological instruction will be offered on Radio Hope through the cooperation of HCJB in Quito, a local theological seminary, and SIM. The radio-based studies will offer an academic title to those who complete the courses. A goal of the team of announcers, missionaries and board members is for Radio Hope to be run by Ecuadorian nationals."