The Office

The office space (empty), Keziah in the middle!
The other direction
Michael trying to fix the vaccum cleaner!
Me looking flustered after a lot of furniture moving

Today (pics are from last week) we spent most of our time running from one place to another but for great reasons. We were able to pick up a whole lot of things that were donated to our new SIM office in Wattle Grove. After putting out our prayer letter last week, the Lord has provided the following items so far:
Two lounge suite sets
A photocopier
Carpet for the whole room (very large room)
A reception desk
A desk for Michael's office
A coffee table
A fridge
A kettle
A filing cabinet
Two lots of shelving
It's real confirmation to us that we're doing the right thing.The only things we haven't got from our list are a microwave and some display racks!
It was very muggy today but we took all our new (second hand but great) things to the office. Still have to pick up half of the list but the room is starting to take shape. Praise the Lord for his provision!