
The Reason I Rush Around So Much

.......is this: Psalm 39:5
"You have made my days a mere handbreadth;
the span of my years is as nothing before you.
Each man's life is but a breath."

I always have a sense of urgency about me. Must get this thing done or that thing done, must clean up, do ALL the things on my list for the day, must email everyone I planned to today, must keep up to date with friends, family, the news. ... etc...etc... It's no wonder I'm so tired. Maybe I should do this more often:
Psalm 77:12
"I will meditate on all your works and
consider all your mighty deeds."

Only trouble is, while I'm doing that I'm likely to fall asleep (not becuase it's boring but because that's what happens when I stop!!!).

Photo Friday - 'blur'

The theme this week is 'blur' so here's my entry

Photo Friday

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