I am writing this entry from
Cairns in Queensland where we are currently enjoying a couple of weeks at Wycliffe's
Treetops Lodge with our family. Before we left on Sunday from Sydney to come here my Mum and I did a crazy thing.
Saturday we only had a half day of
SIM meetings to wrap up the whole week and then we had the rest of the day and night to ourselves. Mum, Dad, Michael, I and Kezi decided (well Kez didn't really have a choice!!) to go into Sydney and spend some time as tourists (all of us - except Kez have lived in NSW before so we were pretending!). We spent much of our time at Darling Harbour which is a really nice part of the city. Actually, if you want to see a photo of us there you can by going to
this link as Darling Harbour staff were wandering around taking snapshots of everyone. We are the photo in row six, picture 5 (with the pusher).

Ok, haven't got to the crazy thing yet. Michael and Dad took Kezi home around 6pm and Mum and I decided to stay as there was a free concert on the harbour. We sat there keeping our very good spot for an hour and 20 mins, in the rain before
Guy Sebastian and the Young Divas (for anyone not Aussie - they are our Aussie Idol winners etc) came on stage. The concert went for 2 hours but the rain was only for the time we were waiting so that was good. We did rush and buy a couple of poncho's and an umbrella so we weren't wet or uncomfy.

Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Considering that I live in Perth and Mum lives in Papua New Guinea we had to laugh at ourselves sitting there in Sydney watching a concert in the rain. We walked through the city afterwards to the train station and took a detour through a three storey Woollies store (supermarket) which was a buzz because it was open so late (that was around 10pm I think) and in Perth all shops shut by 6pm. Got home late but had a blast! I've put in some photos so you can see what we saw!