It's official. Our daughter has been born. Well, according the the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages anyway. Her birth certificate finally arrived in the mail, that is, her second birth certificate. They got the first one wrong. They spelled her name 'Eziah' instead of 'Keziah'. It was a bit annoying to recieve the first one in the post and her name was wrong. When I phoned about it they said that they'd left off one side of the form when scanning it in so my records showed that I was born in 'Ewcastle' instead of Newcastle!
I'm glad they fixed it and reissued it because we had to pay $50 to register her name and get the certificate in the first place (but it's illegal not to, strange system).
Now I just gotta buy a nice frame for it. We got a nice floral version of her birth certificate as well as the normal one on govt paper. I don't think she will want her BC on the wall for her whole childhood though so I'm in two minds about framing it.
Anyway. It's here now and her name is right which is always a bonus.