
Busy Busy Busy

On return from our trip to Cairns and Sydney we have been flat out (like a lizard drinking - sorry couldn't resist putting in the Aussie-ism there). No, not with Christmas shopping although there has been some of that but in diving into our work with SIM in WA.

Michael has graduated from Trinity Theological College with a BA Theology - CONGRATULATIONS HONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This of course means that we can focus more of our joint time on mobilsing for mission as is our role with SIM. We have been spending a lot of time planning and catching up with the pile of work that always manages to creep up on you when you go away for a few weeks but we are enjoying it. The more we do it the more enthusiastic we get but at the same time the task is quite overwhelming.

If you are interested in talking about missions and how you can become involved either here in Perth (or Australia wide) or overseas, please contact us, we'd love to journey with you.

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