
And We're Off....

Tomorrow we fly to Sydney (for those non-Perthies it's around a 4hr flight) and it will be Keziah's first plane trip. We're going there to do orientatin for our new roles with SIM. I'm really looking forward to it as we will get to meet the other State Ministry Directors for SA, Tas, Qld, NSW and VIC who are all mostly new to the role as well.

I've spent this week doing a lot those little things that are important for the trip and I've made about 5 different lists (what to take -us, what to take - Keziah, Nappy Bag contents, what to read before we go, what to do before we go!!!) so I 'feel' organised. I'm sure though that I'll get on the plane and remember something I should have done.

Oh well, I'll see just how much blogging I get done from Sydney. Oh and Curried Missionary will be taking a break till we get back.

Photo Friday

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