When I was 5 years old my parents made a bold move, Dad gave up his job as a fitter and turner and they accepted an invitation by Eric Evans to start a Christian newspaper with him. This would be 'faith-based' living (I know that some people see all Christian living as faith based, I'm referring to a person who does full-timeChristian ministry work without pay from that work) and would mean that our family of four would go from full-time pay to no pay (or so it seemed!). My parents are a wonderful example to me on how to live and how to trust the Lord for everything.

Challenge newspaper was started in the late 1970's and was initially in the home of Eric Evans. Shortly after this it moved to our home and I moved from my pink walled room to sharing with my brother. The pink walled room became Challenge's drawing room and our garage became the printshop and darkroom. It was only when they wanted to put a large guillotine on the back patio that my mum insisted that they find another p

lace so they did. The
rest of the history is amazing, the paper now circulates to many countries and the print run is in the hundreds of thousands. I am so proud of this history and so glad that my parents made this bold move when I was 5. Now, as Michael and I adjust to living as missionaries at home living 'by faith' again is like coming home to me.
Top Pic: The front of the current premises Miiddle Pic: busy work at Challenge in their current premises. Bottom Pic: My mum Estelle working in the early days.