In "Other" Words

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us.
That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”
~ Emily Kimbrough ~
~ Emily Kimbrough ~
I've joined this CWC 'In Other Words' weekly inspired sayings blog and this is the saying for this week.
I couldn't agree more with this thought. The older I get the more I realise that I need to hold God's hand more than I do. People are fickle, friendships are fickle but God is constant. He also doesn't mind if I stumble and he's always there to both help me up and give me a 'cuddle' to make me feel better. Sounds soppy but it's true!
I couldn't agree more with this thought. The older I get the more I realise that I need to hold God's hand more than I do. People are fickle, friendships are fickle but God is constant. He also doesn't mind if I stumble and he's always there to both help me up and give me a 'cuddle' to make me feel better. Sounds soppy but it's true!