
Illustration Friday - 'Insect'

The theme for illustration Friday this week is 'insect'. I don't have time to paint or draw this week but I do have this instead. It's a pattern which looks to me a lot like the patterns we see on insect wings or even the tunnels made by ants. Acrylic on paper. Being a bit outside the box!

Photo Friday - 'Feminine'

This is my photo Friday entry for this week. The theme is feminine. This is myself and my closest friend Karen (left) when we were in year 10. I've always thought this is a feminine pic.
PS Sorry to all those who came here from the Illustration Friday link, I put the link to this there accidentally and don't know how to take it off!

It's All Coming Together

Spent the whole day at the SIM WA office today which will be the usual thing from now on. It's all coming together so well. When I look at what the Lord has provided it amazes me. Michael and our friend Simon went and picked up a second fridge today!!

We had nothing in there a month or so ago, now it's full! I'm up to getting the finer details and aesthetics of the room done now before we get into the normal parts of this ministry. I want the room to look presentable before the dedication of it in a weeks time. Here's some of the finer details from today:

Photo Friday

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