
Polyclarific @ Etsy and WAHMania

As I've mentioned before, I have started a little store at Etsy called Polyclarific. This is a store based in US prices and items can be paid for using paypal or credit card. Over the last two weeks I've been working hard to improve the general look of the shop, the banner, shipping prices and photos. So, take a little peek at my store and tell me what you think.

At the moment my store is based around things made from polymer clay but I hope to add other things one day too. I've been making miniatures, fancy sewing pins, beads and pendants. Spoons and hair clips are coming soon.
(pic - some of my groovy sewing pins)

I have a second store, also called Polyclarific over at a site called WAHMania, this time in Aussie dollars and with Aussie shipping prices. The items in this store are similar although there are some items in this store that aren't in the other and vice versa.

WAHM - stands for Working At Home Mums and eveyone on the site is one of these. To find my store here, click on the link above and go to 'stores'. You will see Polyclarific listed down the left side amongst the other shops.

Thanks for looking. I'll be advertising any specials I run in these stores here too so keep an eye out!

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