Curried Missionary Part 10

Pic: Michael and I with a Wodabe Fulani man in Niger
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
“...having someone I don't know send me a “just to say hello” card. Then maybe we could start writing or something...yes, having something sent out like good food and stuff would be really cool..”
~ 13 yr old Missionary Kid from the USA, in Niger.
“...A letter from a friend telling me about all the little details of life in the village she lived in in Dorset – it was great as so far removed from life in Budapest!...A box containing my favourite teddy bear...and a few of my favourite apples...I NEVER IMAGINED ANYONE WOULD POST APPLES TO ME!!!”
~ Allie Schwaar, English/Swiss former missionary in Hungary.
“..Another church sends us a small package about 2 or 3 times a year with small thing sin it and note to say they are praying for us. Neither of these churches support us financially.”
~ T & E Burns, Aussie missionaries in PNG.
“...just to hear from people. I love getting e-mails and I like letters even better. No matter how short, it’s really nice just to hear something from a friend often. TO NOT GET ANY E-MAILS FOR LIKE TWO OR THREE WEEKS IS KIND OF DISCOURAGING, BUT TO GET ONE RO SEVERAL AT ONCE CAN MAKE MY DAY.”
~ Hannah, Missionary kid from the USA in Niger
“Letters with “current affairs” and cricket/rugby news etc.. is wonder-ful!!!”..”
~ D & J Brown, English former missionaries in Ethiopia.
“ receive a letter or especially a package from someone, because when I feel like I just can’t stand being here another moment, a letter from someone or a package with something from back home helps cheer me up and give me a little strength to go on.”
~ Sarah, American/French Missionary Kid in Niger.