Curried Missionary Part 8

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Part 8 is a summary of ways to encourage missionaries. I would normally print this out to give out to people in meetings, suggesting they pin it up somewhere in their office.
"Ways to Encourage Missionaries
1. Get to know your missionary PERSONALLY. Find out their birthdays, anniversaries, how long they’ve been overseas, what do they exactly do? Ask questions!
2. Find out their likes and dislikes, what are their favourite colours, hobbies, foods etc..
3. Find out what TV shows they might like to watch. News? Sit-coms? Sports events? Movies?
4. What are their children’s likes and dislikes, how old are their children? Favourite colours etc..
5. What products (food, cosmetics, magazines, school products, hobby supplies etc) can and can’t they get where they live?
6. Letters – the simplest card is enough to be encouraging.
7. Small Parcels – with a simple thing such as gravy mix or chewing gum.
8. Bigger Parcels – with something such as a recorded or shop bought video/DVD.
9. Special Gifts – not always just for Birthdays or Christmas!
10. Food – you can send things such as chocolate, lollies, packet foods, specialty foods, (eg; vegemite or nice tea-bags)
11. Cosmetics – soaps, chap sticks, mud packs etc..
12. E-mail – just a short personal note of ‘How are you’ is enough, make sure you ask specific questions such as ‘What kinds of things do you eat over there?’
13. Sermon Tapes – often a missionary can’t get hold of these and they are in need of Spiritual encouragement too.
14. Newspaper articles, cassettes of you speaking, video recordings of yourself/DVDetc..."
Next - Straight From the Horse's Mouth - 60 missionaries tell you how they've been encouraged or discouraged the most.
1. Get to know your missionary PERSONALLY. Find out their birthdays, anniversaries, how long they’ve been overseas, what do they exactly do? Ask questions!
2. Find out their likes and dislikes, what are their favourite colours, hobbies, foods etc..
3. Find out what TV shows they might like to watch. News? Sit-coms? Sports events? Movies?
4. What are their children’s likes and dislikes, how old are their children? Favourite colours etc..
5. What products (food, cosmetics, magazines, school products, hobby supplies etc) can and can’t they get where they live?
6. Letters – the simplest card is enough to be encouraging.
7. Small Parcels – with a simple thing such as gravy mix or chewing gum.
8. Bigger Parcels – with something such as a recorded or shop bought video/DVD.
9. Special Gifts – not always just for Birthdays or Christmas!
10. Food – you can send things such as chocolate, lollies, packet foods, specialty foods, (eg; vegemite or nice tea-bags)
11. Cosmetics – soaps, chap sticks, mud packs etc..
12. E-mail – just a short personal note of ‘How are you’ is enough, make sure you ask specific questions such as ‘What kinds of things do you eat over there?’
13. Sermon Tapes – often a missionary can’t get hold of these and they are in need of Spiritual encouragement too.
14. Newspaper articles, cassettes of you speaking, video recordings of yourself/DVDetc..."
Next - Straight From the Horse's Mouth - 60 missionaries tell you how they've been encouraged or discouraged the most.