Thank you to Andria over at
Texas Lass for being the first buyer of my art-stitch tags! She's posted a picture of them once they'd arrived safely in the mail over on her blog if you're interested in having a gander (Aussie for look by the way). I have plenty of
Art-Stitch tags left (clicky there) and if you're interested in buying any just drop me a line. All profits from these go towards the
SIM HOPE for Aids project.

I have been in contact with one of our missionaries in South Africa and he has told me that $20 provides a basic care pack for a household for month containing some porridge, salt, sugar and soap. $60 a month pays all the costs for some of the workers in the different projects including transport etc. I think this is in Aussie dollars so Andria, you just provided a basic care pack for one and a half months for a family!!