A couple of days ago, ourselves and the group of people we are meeting with went to Manly beach here in New South Wales. It was quite a nice day with lots of sunshine and I managed to avoid getting burnt which is always a bonus. We didn't go in the water but we walked all the way around to Shelley Beach from Manly. Along the way we saw quite a few things which are typically Aussie. These are all things which we do find in Western Australia but not usually all in one afternoon.

Surf Lifesaving Club
For example, we saw a surf lifesaving club at work, surfers on their boards catching real waves out in the deep, wildlife, a bikini photo shoot, divers and snorkelers. We saw all this in one walk there and back!
The bench
There is a reason why I've given this post the above title. In 1994 our family had a day out to Manly beach. This included Michael also and so when we got there he said that he and I were going off for a walk. Everyone plonked themselves on the beach and we took off. Around the bend of the footpath along the beach front was a nice spot with a bench seat so we sat there. Before long Michael got down on one knee and proposed to me. I said yes, I knew he was going to ask (and I'm pretty sure everyone else did too). When we got back to tell the family my brother shot off to the water's edge and my Mum went after him. We thought it was something to do with our engagement. Turns out that there were a couple of topless sun baking women next to us not far away and he was very embarrassed (good on him) about it. Hence the name Womanly, which is what he calls Manly beach now!
Anyway, we got some photos of the bench seat and us on it as well as some other things we saw so enjoy!

Eastern Dragon that we saw