Cupcake Anyone?
Actually, this cupcake wouldn't taste very nice, it's made of felt. This is a little pincushion I made for my Mum last week:

This is one I made a few weeks ago for myself - crazy pattern and design (bit of a blurry pic and the colours are a lot brighter):

And this is a little booklet I made for my sister-in-law Candy:

All this work is hand stitched, made from felt, original in design and copyrighted, oh and a lot of fun to do!

This is one I made a few weeks ago for myself - crazy pattern and design (bit of a blurry pic and the colours are a lot brighter):

And this is a little booklet I made for my sister-in-law Candy:

All this work is hand stitched, made from felt, original in design and copyrighted, oh and a lot of fun to do!