Yep, it's my 31st tomorrow. Time flies so quickly, I vaguely remember my 21st 10 years ago. I was working on an orchard with my family, getting cash to pay for our wedding. We went out to dinner at a Swiss type restaraunt in the Glenorie area, just me and my parents and brother. Funny thing is, during the last 10 years we've all lived across the globe (PNG, England and Africa) but for this birthday I'll be having a meal with my parents again. My brother is in Victoria but instead I'll have my hubby and bubs. I'm also not that fussed this year. Not sure if it's cos I have a baby to think about but I really don't care that there are other things on for my birthday and I won't be doing much to celebrate it. I don't care either that there won't be many prezzies. Whatever. I got my present already last September, she came unwrapped. (pic is of me on my 21st - lunchtime at the orchard).