We have been on the quest for a new church for a few months now and I'm really missing the regular get together with people. In the meantime we've been visiting a few churches and catching up with people, Michael has also had opportunities to preach (in his role as
SIM WA Ministry Director). Its been nice meeting new people and catching up with old friends but at the same time I'm looking foward to the regular catch up each week that comes with attending one place.
There is a possibility on the horizon of one church but we're waiting on that. What do I miss about regular church attendance?
- catching up with friends each week
- the opportunity to sing songs each week in a group
- the little bit of sermon I usually get to catch (inbetween keeping Keziah busy)
- morning tea!
- the chance for Kezi to play with other kids
I don't think finding a new church is too far off!
Labels: church, SIM